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Hello and news on 2 no CSK's

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:17 am
by Simon CSK
Tripped over this site by accident while looking on E-Bay for CSK stuff.
I am the owner of No.98 CSK and a freind of mine has No.19 CSK will give more details later.
Thanks to John for his assistance is registering.

Re: Hello and news on 2 no CSK's

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 1:37 pm
by Simon CSK
Sorry for the previous rushed message.

As stated above my CSK is No98 I am the second (and last) owner of the car having purchased it, by accident in 2001 after seeing it advertised for £3000.00. The owner knew what it was and wanted it to go to an enthusiast. I provided the enthusiasm he provided me with the car, and all its history. Including the presentation box, service history and more.
The reg of my car is J200CSK and alledgedly Landrover tried to obtain this from the former owner to put on Spen Kings CSK but he would not part with it.
When I initially bought my CSK I had intended to respre it, Bonnet and tailgate rotten and a few other bits to sort, and then sell it. After doing that I could not bear to part with it and so for a while I have a Vogue for week days and a CSK for Weekends.
In 2003 my Vogue blew its engine and with the birth of my two sons being very recent I had no option but to run my CSK everyday.
The car then had a problem with the brakes in Feb 2004 just after starting a new business I realised I needed a car that was reasonably reliable. My wife was fed up with her unreliable Freelander so we then Purchased a New Freelander for my and a car for her.
The colours of the Freelander being the same as the CSK since then my CSK has been sitting in my Driveway slowly rotting.
This year I have started to aquire parts to begin restoration.
The parts I still need are two A pillars all the way to the roof, Cills probably though I have not really looked at them, Inner wings, headcloth, bottom tailgate and the cash for someone to undertake the work for me.
Any help for the bits will be appreciated though I must admit that E-Bay is a good scource.
Anyway nice to see the site and to join in I hope this goes well and we can trace all the CSK's still out there.
All the best

Re: Hello and news on 2 no CSK's

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 12:52 pm
by Niall
I have the other one that Simon is referring to No.19, I'll send the details in later, there is another not far from me in South Ayrshire I'll tell you what number it is if I can find the photos, I think he is not as much of an anorak as some of us.

Mine is currently on Sorn as I am overseas :X most of the time and still haven't got my project (2 door of course ;) ) on the road.

Good to see this site, had thought about doing something like this for long enough, spookily enough the draft home page I made years ago is not that different to this, you have taste (:D .

Well done, I will send details in later & some photos of 19 off roading, stop sucking your teeth, they were built to do it, ask Simon how close we came to winning the last club off road speed trial if you really want to be shocked ;)

Also did 105 down the back straight at Gaydon in 2000 with 145k on the clock.