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Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:48 am
by Simon CSK
It is an excellent idea to keep a register of the CSK but for it to be effective it must work and be kept up to date.
Last week I listed CSK no 21 which I spotted in Nolfolk and after this Iveson reported a sighting of No. 127 CSK in Autotrader.
Whilst the details of No. 127 CSK may not be available No. 21's are. In order for the register to work who ever is running the site, and I can appreciate that this creates work and am appreciative of their efforts, needs to follow up on the leads and start to activate the numbers on the 200 CSKs tab.
It may therefore be a good idea to have a specific section in the Forum where anoraks such as myself who will talk to strangers in the street about their CSKs will assist in tracking down as many of the 120 missing vehicles as possible. But once tracked down we must ensure that they are listed.
In this way we can establish a proper link with one another and, even dare I say, form a specific Club of the model similar but probably more exclusive than the Camel Trophy Club. And will ensure that the Proposed CSK Rally could actually happen and would be a roaring success.
Sorry to be critical of the site however sometimes it is necessary to offer critisism in order to develop this site into the authority on CSK's that I think we deserve. I am even prepared to put my money where my mouth is and offer some of my own time to make this work sucessfully.

All those in favor please indicate below.


Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:06 pm
by Johnners
Hi Simon,

I think you have a point. I'm guessing that the answer lies in the fact that the guy who started it (John Reddie) is himself a busy chap and can't always update as speedily as he would like (I've never met John but guessing this is true). The details and pic for my own CSK (no.15) aren't updated either.

In one respect John may be wondering whether it's worth his efforts - take for example the lack of interest in the proposed rally. I offered a free place on the Heritage run for a CSK from the factory to Gaydon and no one replied at all.

I note that you offer some practical help and it will be interesting to hear John's own views. Let's see what other members think?




Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 6:49 pm
by Simon CSK
I appreciate that John Reedie may be busy, I know the problem I run my on business that is why I offered to help. John has done an excellent job so far I am prepared to help if I can.


Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 9:39 pm
by Defender50th
Give the guy a break! These CSK's have been around for what, 16 years, and he is the first person i know of to create a CSK club and begin building up the register.
At the end of the day its his site for his pleasure, so should be able to update it as and when he pleases to.

Keep up the good work John. If you stick at it your soon get enough people to do an event.

Best regards



Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:17 pm
by j,moore
hello again, why all the negetive press, john had the presence of mind to set up this exelent website, but we havent all got loads of time to spend looking at whats happening on here every day. theres no photo on my profile but i am not bothered, he'll do it in his own time. spare time is a precus thing these days and it's very easy to fill it. so i say just let john work at his own pace and keep up the exelent work on this site, and everyone else should just be patient.
see you soon jim.


Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 1:21 am
by John.Reddie
I read some of the above with some surprise, and not merely at the criticism but also at the understanding and support expressed as well.

Yes, I've been, and am likely to remain, fairly busy - but one of the issues that's not been raised as yet is the issue of "provenance". I'm starting to see reports of the same CSK number on different vehicles, and with respect, a register of the authentic CSKs needs to be just that.

So simply posting a sighting of an alleged CSK may not result in immediate listing of the car, especially when its alleged clone is in another continent etc. etc. There are sometimes reasons for delays, and to be fair sometimes I agree that there aren't and I'm just too busy to keep up. But people have, hitherto, seemed to understand, and have gently nudged occasionally which helps remind me that a session on the database is overdue!!!

For those too impatient to see immediate results, I cite my experience with the rally idea. Yes, I was disappointed that there was such little interest in this. But on reflection, this site, like all the others on the 'net, will work - long term - if it grows organically, isn't force fed, and retains some authority re all CSKs.

Which brings me to my final point. Yes, I built the site. But the credit for much of the research is not mine. Michiel Bakkenes and Steve Willoughby contributed masses of info and history, as have others since. I'd appeal to everyone to just let this proceed at a sensible pace, gathering data and information as it goes, and who knows, a CSK rally with a decent turn out may yet result. That would make the whole project worthwhile, and when it does, let's celebrate the fact that our information and ongoing interest results from the combined efforts of everyone here on this site. We're all CSK owners after all, and share a common goal. In-fighting isn't really going to help take this forwards!


Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:49 am
by Simon CSK
The point of what I was trying to do was not strictly to criticize but to generate a debate. The goal of this website should be to keep as up to date a register as possible.
John I am sorry if you have taken this purely as critisism. I would take your point about authenticism and having owner my CSK for a number of years now am quite clued up on what to look for.
No 21 is a confimred sighting I have spoken with the owner and have seen the plaque on the dashboard.
John I appreciate that you are very busy. I am too but I am also very passionate about all things Landrover and even more so about my CSK so I am very keen to fill up the 200 board with as many of the surviving CSK's as possible.