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Wood Trim surrounding Clock

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:00 am
by Iain McCombe
Could anyone advise me on a way of repairing the part of the wood trim that's on the panel holding the clock?
I understand that a previous owner was carrying some loose items in the car and had to stop abruptly. One of these said loose items managed to break the front of the clock (easy fix - one of the first things done) but I'm wondering if there's any recommended way to repair the wood trim. It's not deeply gouged but will require some filling before repairing the surface layer? And what is the surface finish?
Alternatively, could anyone suggest contact details for a recently "broken" car to see if I might obtain a replacement?
Thanks and regards,
Iain McCombe - CSK 11

Re: Wood Trim surrounding Clock

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:02 pm
by stuclark
I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain the wood is American oak.

Re: Wood Trim surrounding Clock

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:58 pm
by Darryl
We recently purchased 177. All the interior woodwork had to be refurbished. Went to our local wood supplier and asked for North American Oak veneer. The best he could do was South African oak. Stripped off all the old Glatex and veneer and wood glued the new veneer on. Allowed two days for glue todry and gave it two coats of Glatex. Very very close to original. Check with your local wood merchnt there in the U.K. They should keep oak veneer. Darryl

Re: Wood Trim surrounding Clock

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:18 am
by stuclark
The original Land Rover part (which is American Oak coloured rather than the more usual burr walnut) is an American spec. part, so while they may be rare in the UK, you can bet there's a few classics around in the US with the same wood vineer parts.

It might be worth asking on one of the US-centric sites such as to see if anyone over there knows what the spares situation is like for this part.