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Help needed (see also TechTalk - camshaft)

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:18 am
by Robert

Just received my nr 050 back from the workshop with new camshaft, tappets, chaingear, waterpump and some loose change of bits and parts.

She is now realy SLOW, unresponsive and sluggish. In the midrange speeds she has trouble accelerating when overtaking and at 3000 rpm everything seems to halt. Kickdown on the automatic gearbox requires my foot on the floor and the she shiftsback 2 gears after some persuading. This is not the responsive car I was used to, that would accelarate and easily cruise at 90 mph (and then some....)

A few questions:
- was the CSK by any chance fitted with specical specs camshaft? I didn't find any evidence, but I could very much be mistaken and then I should have a very serious chat with my mechanic
- does the ECU need to be re-chipped?

This is frustrating. Please help me out with some sound advice.

Cheers, Robert

Re: Help needed (see also TechTalk - camshaft)

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:12 am
by stuclark
As far as I'm aware, the 3.9 engine in the CSK is "stock" in that it's identical to the 3.9 in a similar age car.

The ECU does have a different mapping to "ordinary" rangies though, but this shouldn't have been altered by the works done as it's map is controlled by the tune resistor.

Having said that, if the ECU has got VERY confused, it may be defaulting to the standard with-cat settings, which drops the fueling right down. Ask your garage to put the car on Rovacom and check for fault codes int he ECU. (and then reset them)

Re: Help needed (see also TechTalk - camshaft)

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:17 pm
by Robert

Thanks for your quick reply. I'm going to have a word tomorrow. Hope it's going to prove a simple and adequate solution.

I did have a quick look around at the site of RPI-engineering - I understand they work miracles on the V8 - but that was a bit intimidating. Things that can go wrong or should be done...
