markings on the csk

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markings on the csk

Post by lee »

hi i am oner off number 84 i just have one question i recentley looked at buying a nother one i seen on ebay but it dident have any markings on the back are front wings saying csk is this still a real csk i not sure can some one help me :S
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Re: markings on the csk

Post by Jeremy »

Definately real, bear in mind the CSK logos are only stickers and many have been removed for one reason or another over time.

Whilst it would be possible to build something similar (have toyed with the idea of a late LHD 2 door and putting SE spec in it etc) its the little details on the CSK (the type of leather, type of wood, door panels etc) that would be very hard to replicate.

Buy it! ;)
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Re: markings on the csk

Post by Defender50th »

I wanted to buy that one too, the owner didnt call me after loads of emails and then it ended .. wonder what he got :(
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